The Breakfast Club : Brighton Network Members
The Breakfast Club in Hove offers businesses a relaxed and friendly networking environment over breakfast, with an emphasis on building strong relationships, which result in genuine and positive leads.
Only one representative of each business type is allowed to become a member of the Breakfast Club, therefore, one accountant, one printer, and so on. Guests are welcome to come along to any Tuesday meeting but we ask that you contact us first to confirm your attendance.
If you would like to join the group there is a monthly fee for breakfasts of £30, payable by standing order. There are no other fees payable and all profits stay within the club to provide additional networking social events.
David Fraser
Woodland Dry Cleaners
01273 881666
Zack Raven
Wealth Management
07581 348894
Sue Lewis
Arbonne Consultant UK
07879 075817
Jo Camplisson
07769 351270
Martin Vincent
SEO Consultant
07973 818731
Virginia Keefe
01273 723775
Duncan Bailey
Health Practitioner
07905 452406
Ian Skinner
Transport Policy Consultant
07521 063324
James Wright
Sarah Hurst Skin Clinic
07967 672748
Helen Preece
01273 287431
Tean Smith
Private Tutor
07772 808 028
Sophie Pollard
Estate Agent Brighton
01273 286788
Mark Gibson
Travel Counsellor
01273 761060
David Jones
Phoenix Communications
01273 956111
Theresa Wright
Family Solicitor
01273 726951
David Guy
Conveyancing Solicitor
07740 796450